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Things to Do to Conquer Winter Boredom

Guest Writer

Written by Eloise Best

with contributions by Kurt J. Kolka

lt’s freezing cold outside.You feel like you’ve been stuck inside the house for months. You wonder if winter is ever going to end. It can be challenging to come up with fun activities to fill your time during winter, especially if you normally spend lots of time outside. However, there are actually loads of fun things you can do while it’s cold, both indoors and outdoors.

Do a jigsaw. This is perfect for extra-chilly days. Set the puzzle up on a mat so that it’s easy to move around and complete in stages.

Go bowling. Want to do something sporty and competitive, without freezing to death? Bowling is idea.

Take winter photos. Sparkling icicles, buildings covered in snow, robins… Winter is full of great photo opportunities.

Wrap up warm and go for a walk. A winter walk can be lots of fun, as long as you’re wearing plenty of layers.

Go to an art gallery. Take in some culture and enjoy a hot drink in the cafe.

Stop by your local bookstore or library. Pick up a new book to read or even an old one!

Paint a picture. Tap into your artistic side – you could paint a pretty winter landscape, or a cozy log cabin.

Play an instrument. Always wished you were more musical? Get started now with free online lessons and tutorials for almost any instrument.

Build a snowman. Go traditional with a carrot nose and buttons for eyes, or get more creative with unusual accessories.

Go sledding. Grab your sled, find a hill, and go wild! Sledging is lots of fun, and climbing that hill is good exercise.

Have a movie marathon. Want to watch the entire Harry Potter series back to back? It’s winter, you’re allowed.

Go skating or swimming. The Otsego County Sportsplex is only a short drive for most people in our

readership area.

Learn to knit. Knit yourself a cozy scarf in your favourite colours.

Write a story. Wish you could write a novel? Get started now, while you won’t be distracted.

For more articles by Eloise, visit


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